Music: Rocky Mountain Ringers Concert
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesHoliday handbell concert. Tickets available at
Music: St. Paul Choir Rehearsal
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesPreparation for Christmas Eve and Day masses.
Music: Columbine Chorale Concert
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesSettings of Adoramus te by Palestrina & Eric Barnum; seasonal music by Francis Poulenc, Ivo Antognini, Eleanor Daley, & Herbert Howells; traditional carols such as Away in a Manger, Coventry Carol, & Huron Carol; and a winter haiku set to music by Lakewood UMC’s David Heck. More information and tickets at
Music: St. Paul Choir Rehearsal
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesPreparation for Christmas Eve and Day masses.
Music: Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesOn Sunday, 14 February at 3pm, the men of Saint Martin’s Chamber Choir will present Joaquin Nin-Culmell's Symphonie des Mysterès in a program entitled, "Chant: Mystery and Mysticism." This twentieth-century work, led by Artistic Director Tim Krueger and accompanied by organist Richard Robertson, traces a dramatic arch, charting the birth, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ, alternating Gregorian Chant and powerful movements for organ. Visit for more information.
Music: The Ars Nova Singers
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesOn Friday, 19 February at 7:30 pm, the Ars Nova Singers will present a concert entitled, "Renaissance Retrospective: Music for Many Voices," featuring the two great Renaissance choral works in 40 parts: Alessandro Striggio's "Ecce beat lucent" and Thomas Tallis' "Spen in album." The program will also include music by the eccentric Italian prince, Carlo Gesualdo. Visit for more information.
Music: Canto Deo Chamber Choir
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesA Lenten Service of Motets and Meditations featuring choral music for the season, including J. S. Bach’s extended motet, Jesus, Meine Freude (BWV 227), under the direction of Associate Conductor Michael Pohlenz. Free Admission. For more information, visit
Music: Singers Chamber Choir
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesSunday, 6 March 2016, 3:00 pm. An early spring choral concert under the baton of Music Director Norm Te Slaa. For more information, visit
Music: Seicento Baroque Ensemble
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesFriday, 11 March 2016, 7:30 pm. Colorado’s premiere choral ensemble specializing in music of the 17th and 18th centuries presents Scarlatti and Son, a program of rarely-heard choral music by the Italian composer, Alessandro Scarlatti, and his more famous son, Domenico, led by Artistic Director Evanne Browne and Assistant Conductor Mark Alan Filbert. For more information, visit
Cristo Rey Music, Arts, and Bible Camp
Cristo Rey 501 Raleigh Street, Denver, CO, United StatesWe partner with Iglesia Luterana Cristo Rey (501 Raleigh Street) again this summer for a fun time for kids young and old. To volunteer or participate, please contact Mark at