2 events found.
Adult Forum: Advent Pericopes
St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United StatesSunday mornings, 9:15-10:15 am, Dorothy Day Room. Everyone welcome. Sunday, Nov.29-Dec.20 :The Advent We offer a study of the Lectionary readings for the four Sundays of Advent as we begin a new liturgical year. Led by Pastor Maly.
Community: St. Paul Supper Club
Avenue Grill 630 East 17th Avenue, Denver, CO, United StatesFriday, Dec 4, 6:30 pm—Join us for the inaugural event for this group at Avenue Gill. Cost if $44, for the prix fixe meal (includes tax & tip). Contact Kirsten Boyd at (303) 547-0292 to see if there’s still room & don’t forget to plan for Parade of Lights traffic. You can also RSVP here: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0e49a8aa2aa7fe3-inaugural