Adult Forum: Preliminary Budget

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Finance minister David Carlson will present the preliminary budget for 2016 at this Sunday's Adult Forum. All are welcome to attend.

Adult Forum: Reformation Anniversary Preparation

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Co-pastors Don Sutton and Kevin Maly will guide discussion on "On the Way," the newest document in the Lutheran and Roman Catholic preparations for our Common Commemoration of the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation next year. Read the document here.

Adult Forum: Review of 2016 Budget

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Led by Finance Committee Chairman David Carlson, this session of Adult Forum will discuss the 2016 budget, and allow members to ask questions about facts and figures. All are welcome to attend. For information about the proposed budget, visit our finance page.

Adult Forum: The Three Ds of Aging

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Dr. Nancy Mc Mahon, Geriatric Psychologist, returns for another visit in our ongoing Mental Health series. Nancy will speak on Depression, Dementia, and Delirium with a focus on how we can find strength in what is preserved instead of mourning what is lost. All are welcome.

Adult Forum: Evolution Sunday

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

On the Sunday closest to Charles Darwin’s birthday, religious groups all over the country will discuss the compatibility of science and religion. One of the goals is to provide evidence that evolution is sound science and central to our theology of Creation by a loving God. Led by Jim Harrer. All are welcome!

Lenten Soup Supper and Study

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Wednesdays in Lent—Join us to delve further into the Declaration on the Way: Church, Ministry and Eucharist (click for more information.  If you would like to make soup, please contact Maryann O’Brien at (303) 668-5563 or

Adult Forum: In Sure and Certain Hope of the Resurrection

From February 21 through March 13, Adult Forum will present a Lenten program on preparing for our own end of life journey into eternal life. We will cover such topics as pastoral care, wills and medical documents, legacy giving, and planning your own memorial service. All are welcome.

Children’s Church

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Instead of a class before church, children are invited to leave mass after the Children’s Sermon and will have their own Service of the Word and choir downstairs. If you are interested in teaching or supporting this ministry, please contact Kirsten Boyd at (303) 839-1432 or

Adult Forum: Congregational Ministry Review

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Join us during the Adult Forum time (9:15am) to discuss the future of our ministry at St. Paul Community of Faith. Bring your excitement for the ministry and ideas for the future. All are welcome!

Community: Congregational Ministry Review

St. Paul Community of Faith 1600 Grant Street, Denver, CO, United States

Sunday, March 6, 9:15 am. Join us during the Adult Forum time to discuss the future of our ministry at St. Paul Community of Faith. All are welcome.